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How to Make Your Business More Energy Efficient

Going ‘green’ was once something businesses did because they believed in it or because they wanted to appeal to a certain customer base. But with growing awareness of the impact that things such as industrial heating and ventilation equipment can have on the environment as well as potential cost savings, more business than ever are looking to be energy efficient. So how can your business improve?

Energy Efficient Heating System Wolverhampton

Aim for equipment efficiency

If you ask industrial heating engineers in Wolverhampton, one of the top reasons that industrial central heating isn’t efficient is because it needs servicing or repairs. Heat equipment is a top cause of wasted energy because they need regular servicing or may even have small faults that a heating service would pick up. This may come from the industrial boiler installations or develop over time due to the heavy use of the system.

Make sure you have the right system

Around 30% of the energy used by industrial buildings is wasted and one of the reasons for this is that businesses may not be using the right equipment. For example, industrial oil boilers may be ideal for some types of businesses while getting gas engineers to install a gas boiler is great for many smaller businesses.

Factory heating is often a customised system that needs specific heating maintenance to keep it working properly. But if you have the wrong system in place, you are often wasting energy – and therefore money.

Ensure you need the systems

When you take over a building, there are often things like heating and ventilation systems, air conditioning units and even older styles of boiler already in place. Between them, heating, ventilation and air conditioning along with lighting can account for three-quarters of a building’s energy usage.

So the question should be – do you need these systems? There are always considerations around staff comfort and what is needed for equipment in use but working with an expert in these systems can help to analyse them.

Look at a building management system

The Internet of Things and smart devices are a common sight around our homes, but many businesses don’t realise you can also use them in the company properties. Known as building management systems, they use the latest in smart technologies to make your business systems run more efficiently and save you money on utility bills.

They can be as simple or as complex as you want. One example is to have automatic windows that open on warm days to allow natural air flow and cooling. Or blinds that shut on warm days to cut down on the glare from the sun and reduce the need for air conditioning. The systems can also be extremely complex – one example even adjusts the heating depending on the warmth of the bodies in the building. So your staff could actually be your heating!


Being energy efficient and ‘green’ is not only a benefit for the environment but also for your business. By cutting down on unused systems and making others more efficient you can cut down on wasted energy and utility bills, saving the company money.

Industrial Heating Engineers in Wolverhampton

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